Arm Problems
A Tomato and Egg Soup Recipe
Cassette woke in a hot sweat. She peeled the covers slowly off of herself like the protective film of a new phone screen. Dazed and uncomfortable, she checked the clock. It was 1:37 AM. She had only been asleep for two hours, but was suddenly wide awake. Her entire body was wet. And it itched.
She started scratching her back, which yielded minor relief, but the itch returned the second she rolled over. After a cursory run over her chest she switched focus to her arms. Starting with the left.
As her nails scraped across her skin, the itching abated. Slightly. She drug them over her arm until they hit the spot that seemed to need the most attention. There, at the top of her forearm, just below the crease of the elbow, her fingers found a roughly half dollar sized protusion . The skin around it seemed smooth enough, but there had been nothing wrong with her arm when she had tucked herself into bed. The previously hot sweat had turned cold. The itch had grown stronger.
Shivering slightly, she dug the tips of her nails deep into the lump, but it provided minimal relief. She scratched more frantically. Her skin began to redden as she scratched away, her arm now raw and peeling. The itch intensified.
She scratched harder. The tip of her right ring fingernail snapped off. She'd just fucking painted them... She scratched harder.
She turned her bedside table light on to get a closer look. The boil had broken open and was now bleeding profusely. It wasn't the blood that gave her pause, though. It was the motion in the middle of the mess that caught her eye. There was something... wriggling... inside of it.
A small pink nub, slightly smaller than a pencil eraser, had emerged from her arm. It seemed to almost be exploring its new environment. She tried to catch it between her fingers but it proved too slippery to grasp. The itch had grown even more unbearable.
Growing more desperate, she kept grasping. Finally managing to snag it with the hook of her broken fingernail, a wave of pain shot through her arm. Cassette remained resolute. The protrusion was putting up quite the fight, but the blood had already ruined her sheets. She wasn't giving up that easily.
The more she managed to pull, the larger the nub, the wound, and the amount of blood seemed to grow. The pain was growing sharper as well, but that nagging fucking itch... She pulled harder and as the nub grew larger it began to resemble... a tongue?
The wound suddenly split open and the tongue lashed out viciously, tasting the blood, the sweat, the air itself. Around the edges of the wound, two semi circles of crimson stained white began to emerge. She gave one last sharp pull and the hook from her fingernail tore through the side of the tongue as the gums of the arm teeth came to the surface. Cassette winced and tried to catch her breath. There was intense pain in her arm and (now second) mouth. The itch was still there, but it felt different in a way.
It felt like it was hungry.
She got out of bed and grabbed a clean dish towel on the way to the kitchen. She wet the towel under the faucet and tried to wipe away the blood from the edges of the wound. It stung a bit, but the teeth nibbled at the towel and Cassette could slightly feel the texture of it through her new tongue. She wasn't big on the taste.
Discarding the towel, she headed to the fridge. Rummaging through her leftovers, she eventually found a cup of the soup she'd had for yesterday's lunch. Better than nothing she supposed, throwing it in the microwave. After forty five seconds and a little blowing over the top, she gingerly pressed the edge of the cup to her arm. The salt stung the fresh wounds, but the tongue began lapping slowly. Cassette tipped the cup a little, carefully nursing this new addition to her life.
The soup disappeared and she felt the warmth of it emanate through her body. She noticed that the itching had finally subsided and that the mouth, seemingly sated, had closed. She dabbed off the remnants of the soup with a paper towel and headed back to bed. "I think I'll call you Bob” she said.
Now if that didn't make you hungry, I don't know what will, but whether you have a mouth on your arm or just the one on your face, you can't go wrong with this super simple and simply delicious Tomato and Egg Soup.